
On Pentecost, May 19th, we will be celebrating with our brothers and sisters who have expressed a desire to be baptized. 
Like communion, baptism is a ritual or symbol Jesus commanded all Christians participate in to publicly declare their decision to follow him. We do this by submerging ourselves in water to illustrate that just as Jesus died, we choose to die to our sins; and, just as Jesus was resurrected, emerging from the water illustrates that we too have been raised to new life in Christ. It can also be a wonderful opportunity to briefly share how you came to trust in Jesus.
If you have never been baptized and would like to or would like to learn more, we would love to talk more with you about that. You can contact our team at this QR code or fill out a connect card.

Gather 'Round is a way to both practice hospitality and get to know fellow members at Eastside Imago.

How it works: Gather 'Round is a collection of small groups of 6-8 people, representing 3-4 households, who commit to come together 3-4 times over the next 4 months to share a meal.  Each household in a group will host a dinner, providing a main dish, while others in the group bring a side, dessert, etc. Hosting will rotate through the group until each person/household has hosted. It's a great way to meet some new folks or get to know some folks better!

When: Sign-ups are now open until June 2nd.

For any questions or concerns email with the subject line, “Gather ‘Round.” Sign up here.

Gather ‘Round

Growing in

Christ Workshop

This is a workshop for anyone who's recently rededicated their life to Jesus, found Him for the very first time, or was baptized in the last year. This is a space for questions, discussion, and gaining some basic tools as we learn to follow Him together. Register here.

Men’s Community


All men are invited to join our community on Tuesday mornings 6-7:30 AM for 9 weeks starting April 2nd as we open God's Word together and practice being better connected to each other.  Please help us get a head count by RSVPing to

Last Sunday

Worship Nights

Worship on Sunday mornings is fruitful and nourishing. Yet, often times, there's more that people desire. Longer spaces to simply sit, melodies extended, prayers offered, etc. These worship nights exist to provide a space where praise, prayers, can be offered up freely to our Lord, Jesus Christ. It's a time and place where we come with no set script, no pre-determined destination, just to be open to where the Holy Spirit wants to lead .

This will be on the last Sunday of every month at 6pm. For more information or questions, please email Reuben.


High School

Youth Group

Tuesday nights from 6:30 PM-8 PM high schoolers are invited

to come be themselves, have fun, and learn more about Jesus.

Doors open at 6:30 PM to pray and mingle.

Any questions or want to support/get involved talk to/email Brandi Stokes.

Middle School

Youth Group

Middle School youth ministry for all 6-8th grade students

happens every Wednesday night from 6:20 PM-8 PM.  

Join us for some fun, friends and Bible study!

For more information or questions contact Andrew Miller.

Corporate Prayer

We are a people seeking to know God and be known by God. One of the primary ways we get to know God is through spending time talking and listening to God - that’s prayer. At Eastside, we value praying together as a family. 

Here are the ways you can come together for corporate prayer:

  • Daily Prayer Zoom Calls: Gather together from the comfort of your home. These meetings happen daily from 6 AM-7 AM. 

  • Thursday Night Prayer: Gather with us on Thursdays weekly from 6:30 PM-7:30 PM in the church sanctuary. 

  • Sunday Morning Prayer: These meetings are weekly from 9 AM - 9:50 AM in the conference room.

Eastside Overeaters


Overeaters Anonymous (OA) is a place to find recovery from unhealthy relationships with food and body image. It is not a diet club. There are no dues, fees or weigh-ins. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop eating compulsively. All are welcome!

Meetings are held EVERY THURSDAY at 7 PM, room 112. For more information contact Tru at



Pickup basketball happens at Eastside every Thursday at 9pm! Adults and teens, men and women, are invited to show up and play.